Vouch request for alphawolf@useast

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Vouch request for alphawolf@useast

Postby alphawolfe » Sun May 20, 2018 11:56 pm

Tell us what other previous league or in-house experience you have: None for Legion Td, but dihl for dota
Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as: betawolf@useast
What is your Discord account?alphawolf#8887
If possible, provide a list of LIHL players who might know you or that you are acquainted with: justpush
Do you have Gproxy installed?Yes
Attach at least three LTD Mega 3.42 1200+ game replays (one as yolo, other as a holder) that represent your skill (do not provide replays where you go cross-build, double-build or aura swap as these tactics are not allowed in LIHL):
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Take a random wc3 screenshot, attach it, and private message it to recipient “LIHL Moderators” (LIHL Guide -> SS-Test): Can a Lihl moderator whisper me ingame about this? Thanks.
Any additional information that you would like to provide: I've played around 130 games on the 1200+ bot and my win rate is >50% I think. I am fairly new, so if you have any suggestions for improvement that would be great. Please do not look at my early replays, as my skill level is increasing. I've also never flamed in a 1200+ game yet. Thank you for your time.
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Last edited by alphawolfe on Fri May 25, 2018 11:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vouch request for alphawolf@useast

Postby Meshtar » Mon May 21, 2018 12:48 pm

Hi alphawolf, I have watched 2-3 of your replays and my general impression is
The good:
You know basic builds and placements and game mechanics. You are communicating well with the team and you are willing to adapt and especially to accept advice from other players. You know the value of tier 1 units in certain situations which is something that usually comes a lot later. Your best quality is willingness to learn, you also have a positive attitude and no toxicity towards team which is very imporant.

Stuff you need to work on in my opinion:
Your yolos and units placements are not optimal and you also need a better general overview of the game, as in when the game ends and what wave you need to build for. In those few replays I saw you were smart enough to accept opinion from other players about send levels and some better placement and unit choice for the wave you expect them to come. Its great that you can recognize a valid advice but in general a lihl player should know these things on his own.

In my opinion you are not ready yet, but with more games played and your good attitude it shouldn't take too long until you get good enough for trial in LIHL. Keep in mind I am not LIHL moderator and this is in no way an official response, just an opinion from LIHL player.

Oh yea, based on everything I saw, I would already rather have you in team than some among our active LIHL members :P

Good luck
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Re: Vouch request for alphawolf@useast

Postby Crey » Mon May 21, 2018 2:02 pm

@alphawolfe Man, first time i saw you playing 1200+ bot was like month ago, people who want to play lihl need MUCH more experience with ltd before join us. You are good and communicative player, not toxic, but skillwise you need to improve a lot.
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Re: Vouch request for alphawolf@useast

Postby epicdeath » Tue May 22, 2018 1:21 am

alphawolf reps:
I had a LOT of time over the past coupla days so I had a look at some replays of yours. Keep in mind I am not a mod for lihl so my opinion doesnt really matter that much. Feel free to contest anything I say btw cause I think I got a little particular at some points :ugeek: I looked at 3 replays that you provided and then 7 where I played either with or against you.

wandigoo holder: (actually pd holder :p)
- start raider/flyingmachine, you made flying in the back but it would be better more infront.

- add second raider on 2, thats a lot of dead value for a holder line even on lv2

- add wandigoo infront for 3, poor placement, there was no reason to make it off the wall. They dont send yet so np.

- you make amba in back for 5 all fine

- your team has 3x ob with 2 greymane semis and you vs straight 7 send.

- for 7 you have 1230 value with pd/para, flying/para, 2x raider and wandigoo 4/0 holds 7 okayish, you guys went king with thorn.

- I get you found it funny you made a wandigoo but better not to ghost that information to the other team, especially considering your team was pretty bad 8

- you stay 7/3 for 10 and add an amba after upping copter for 9.

- 3x 7/3 and 1x 7/4 were your team's pushes on 10. I understand you wanted to build for midgame (the amba/copter)
but i think you could have communicated with your team more, it would have been better to have more people push
since 12 and 13 are unlikely with the enemy lowpush, full7 and needing a lot of king for 10. It would have been good to see you suggest
your EA does just that, since he only needs to cover 16 for u guys (if not 15game) and he can do that with 7/5 or 7/6 pre 10 np.

- 7/3 for 10 leaking 1 boss. Not bad but unupped amba is pretty bad 10

- I have no clue why you upped the wandigoo for 12 was definitely not optimal especially since you correctly communicated that the
other team would probably force 15 owing to your team being strong 16/17. I reckon it was far better to aim for more pures

- your team decides to skip 15. You make and upgrade another wandigoo for 15. If you didnt upg the first one you had enough for a pd right there. Regardless the second one badly needed to be further in front. You've had since level 7 to see that your pures are summoning in front of your first wandigoo and the summons are tanking for the wandigoo, definitely not what you want.

- predictably your summons die well before your wandigoos but you still mid due to no behe (enemy only sent 2) and suicidal demon
(seriously the fucker got stuck for ages then randomly aggroed a pure in the back. there were 2 centaurs and all sends left when it died). Anyway your team leaks 2 units and you win 17

turret yolo:
- 2x turret w/ hatchling start, you cancelled your 3/0 then redid it, misclick i guess, np. Your team had a LOD so you were strong
lv1. Would be good to see you suggest to teal that early game malf should be behind (maybe next to) prisoner rather than 2 full spots
in front but that's his mistake not yours.

- for level 2 you add 3rd turret, i would suggest to add it more behind, either right at the back or diagonal line with second turr,
not the first turr like you placed it. You get bowman and eat some feed (from teal) but dont push any.

-I dont know your adds but 5 turret for 3 when they just sent 2 i think is generally a mistake unless you have nothing else but deadvalue.

- Try not to mislead your teammates if you're not 100% sure. Polar+lod alone will definitely leak 4

- honestly not a clue why you built a 6th turret on 4, your team was ob on 4 even if you did expect send (and if you did you should communicate that) You'd want to be 6/1 here not 4/1.

- 7th turret 5, again overbuild when your whole team is ob

- 8th turret 6. I dont mind this so much if you wanna not leak but it does hurt that you delayed your push so badly earlier on
your placement is fine though. just on 2 was questionable.

- You decide to stay 7/3. This is a good call since as your teammate pointed out they might need you 8 and you earlier said you're good on 10

- you misplace sg on 9 initially but blue corrects you :), one thing to consider since you were overbuilding 3-5 anyway is to make a sea giant on 5 and a hydra 7. if you're gonna push really late anyway whether through necessity or poor play then its often better to try and ob.

- you make a hydra for 10 (7/3) other team skips so izihold. You might wanna suggest to blue that if he wants to hold 10 he should consider rr
rather than building 9 harlots (which are dead value midgame ofc)

- you asked if turrets are good for level 12. Yes. They are.

- you stay 7/4, good call. They 12 send into you not sure why honestly, you were pretty fat with strong units for 12. that witchdoc is too far in front though, he has less range than the turrets and you dont want him sniped.

- after 12 you push 7/6 and fullbuild for 13. I don't like this, you easily hold 13 (and 14 with small add) and your team is deciding when to send. if you send early then keeping hydra for 20 would be fine but if you send 17 then you would wanna hold $$ 13 and 14, place some seagiant and rr for anti17.

- you guys win before they resend

weak yolo:
- you start with heli, x2 infa. If heli and infa same roll dont start with the copter, it makes you pretty weak 3, if it was from the first roll then fair call.

- both infa are too far behind to be decent pyro positioning. If I were you I'd definitely place at least one right behind the copter for pyro option.

- you send 2 and say "please decide faster i need gold." Tell your team you need gold rather than just send in the last coupla seconds!!

- you add gateguard infront of copter for 2, i would place it alongside if not behind. You guys scout priso/knight/panda.

- you add wyvern 3, again behind, even behind flying!! I think you need to try building (some) ranged units infront early game.
It can give you nice dmg share, especially a unit like wyvern which is reasonably tanky. Wyvern in front is also excellent on lv8.

- so, here's how you dmg spread went on 3 vs a bo. gateguard tanks everything and dies, copter tanks everything and dies, wyvern tanks
everything and dies then infas cant finish the bo. Imagine if you had a tiny bit of dmg spread, there would have been 20 units for you to
eat and I reckon you could have snapped up 10 or so. as it is, you leak 21 units to king.

- you get 4/1 on 4 and miss 2g for wisp, unlucky :(

- you push 5/1 and add a zeus on 5. (You had enough for heli with 5/1 also) No idea why, its worse on 5,6,8 and 9 than a helicopter, you force yourself to stay lower for no reason I can think of.

- you push 6/2 and add another gateguard in front for 6. That's a total of 765 value and you stay 7/2 for level 7. This is really bad. You wanna avoid this exact situation, no hold/no push.

- You add another wyvern for 7 and the enemy sends. You leak most of the wave.

- you stay 7/2 for level 8 and upgrade wyvern. Here it's better to build another small wyvern, you're forced to ob 10 anyway since you've such low
push and small wyv is much better 10 than upped one. Finally you get 7/3 during 8 but then you push 7/4 right after. Not a fan of this, you'll send about the same on 10 and jeopardise your hold.

- Imagine if you were 7/3 during 6, (it was easy to get), you'd still hold 8, have more value for 9 and 10 easy 7/4 during 8 if you choose.

- you save 31g on 10. idk what ur t1 was but you should have built one at the front of your lane to try and make your spawn better.

- you upgrade the copter and make another zeus instead of making any more wyverns. I really don't know why, wyvern is better than zeus 10 imo and its definitely more helpful mid/lategame as zeus is basically useless vs demon/kraken/behe whereas wyv and windrider are solid.

- predictably, you leak 2 bosses, your spawn was kinda tk but hey that's what the t1 should be there to do.

- that tot on arena should have been next to your army, no reason to make it an extra space away imo.

- you leak for your team on 12, would have been much better to push earlier and faster for easy 7/6 or 7/7 if you wanted to leak. You didnt cover any level specially for your team (you had an ea for 16). I get that your team didn't have a plan formed pre 10 but you guys have 3 hydra and they show 0 anti 15, pretty obvious your team appreciates leaks and i think especially after you leaked 10 it shoulda been pretty obvious you were the best person to leak

- you hold 13, not sure if this is what you wanted or not but it kinda stops you from sending 15

- you send 16, they don't and die

you called this replay 'weak yolo', I'm gonna have to agree.

[ENT] Legion TD Mega 1200+ #3 (i played against you) https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=10802866
- you start alche 2/0, and send war. You guys see lod and malf/polar

- you get dino/bow lv2 and leak a little with bad focus

- you push 3/1. Here you know your teammates will all push and you are left as solo 7 holder. I dont know your adds but staying lower
and building up with alche is often worthwhile since 3x blaster alone isnt particularly reliable vs a big 7 send. This isn't a mistake necessarily, just something to consider.

- red calls you out for making lj before sending 4. This is really minor but just try communicate it if you think team might wanna resend 3/4.

- standard 2x blaster for 5

- 4/1 3x blaster for 7. Your focus isnt the best and you leak 12 units

- its better to up farm and push from 5/2 to 7/2 than go 5/3 and wait for the 80 wood to upgrade farm. By the time you finish the 2 wisps you'll be most of the way to 100 wood for /3. You want as little downtime on your push as possible when you're a 7 holder pushing after the fact. It might seem a small optimisation but its pretty important in faster games especially.

- You push 7/4 before 10, not so sure about this since your team isnt the best even though you can expect smallsend only.

- you make an alchemist and a tot for 10. it was better to sell the gnoll for blaster or, failing that, build a bunch of gnolls and mb some
ranged dmg units. your tot is also badly postioned. It should be on the wall.

- edit: red told u to sell gnoll and blaster and u listened. BTW, it was easy 10hold if you stayed 7/3 and made gnolls behind blaster.
I feel like you're not quite sure when to push and when to stay, that kinda just comes with experience on the 1200 bot.

- make sure to push first and build after when 10 finishes!! you saved a little over 140g on arena but only started 7/5 when it finished??,

- you rebuild tot's in the same non-optimal position.

- you make a wc on 12. Not sure if you rr'ed but wc is basically just worse than blaster if you didn't. If you did would be nice to see you place alches before rring.

- you make a couple of sprites for 15, not sure how long you had them for but they're definitely more useful than 2 warchief and upped capt
small capt is fine but imo upped one is pretty expensive when you coulda built anti 15

- you guys lose the 15 race

[ENT] Legion TD Mega 1200+ #99 (played against you) https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=10802750
- 3x wagon with spider 2/0 start fine so far, they send warrior. Your team was weak to it so I especially like the spider add. You eat like 25 units mid.

- you immediately push 5/0 but you sits on 58g lv2. Imo 6/0 was the call but fair enough you might have feared resend 3.

- you add 2 gateguards in line with the meats for 3. I really hate this. The option to give you the most push was just more meats (5 meat/spider holds nosend). The option to give you best chance to hold 5 with decent push was to mix in units that are good 5. Gateguards are neither of these things. They also should be placed behind the meatwagons rather than alongside.

- you get furb/hermit resend and leak. One of your teammates mentioned you have timestealer, if you wanted to survive 5 and 6 nicely
timestealer for 3 would be a much better option than 2 gateguards, sure you missed a little gold but you could have either stayed 4/0 or sell spider to get ts.

- you stay 5/0 and add an overseer for 4. This was a really, really bad call imo. You easily held 4 without it and upped spider would be so much better on 5 and 7 and you're overbuilding 4 hard with either option anyway :s. Additionally, if you still went the overseer route you should have made it on the wall imo.

- red was vocally unhappy with your choice of units this game so fair play to you for staying relaxed and not flaming back, big + I reckon. That being said, I think you made poor choices with the huge feed you got early game.

- You add a timestealer on 5 and latepush 5/1. Here you hold 5 but you have 775 value. This is wayyyy too much again. You aren't gonna
be able to hold 7 but you still have so little push for 5 despite all the feed, this is largely due to the gateguards being almost as deadvalue
as the meatwagons on 5.

- you could have been 2x timestealer, 3x meat, spider for 5, 685 value 7/1 holding instead of what you had.

- you guys send 5 and we leak a few units to the king. You see we have immo yet again you stay 7/2 for 7. Not sure why, you saw we have immola on 5 yet you still stay low with 0 chances of holding.

- you leak about 1/3 of the wave 7 and again stay 7/2 for 8.

- for 8 you have a whopping 1300 value and hold our send. Imo 7/2 was still a really bad idea, you guys had done king for 7 so you weren't
going to lose a heal whether you barely held or leaked a bit. Regardless, if you did decide to stay 7/2 for 8 because you feared a send, please build units that are better 8 than another timestealer, if you dont have said units its probably better to not stay so low for 8.

- anyway, again you push from 7/2 to 7/4. This time its fine to do so since you had solid value and could expect us to lowsend 10 if at all.

- for 10 you build 2 more timestealers, fine, but i would build them all on one side rather than 5 in a line. As you made them you're
more likely to split your damage and since your units are reasonably weak 10 this is something you really wanna avoid.

- As you can see, you killed 2 bosses at nearly the same time but since small send and nice value you still held.

- you go 7/6 after 10, I really dont like this, you were the strongest line on your team so i definitely would have stayed 7/5

- you keep making timestealers in a line, i dont really like this since once you have so many ts, upped ts is quite good, however, it loses a lot of usefulness if the small ts are so spread out. I would build a few smaller lines rather than using literally tho whole width of the lane.

- your team asks you to rr for anti 17. One thing you can do when your value is nice (like yours) is save gold on a level (that you know they wont send), place a lot of value then reroll and decide what to keep.

- the magna you made is too far on the right side, magna has a smaller area but greater effect than tot so you need to be a bit more
careful with its placement. It wasn't affecting the creeps on the left hand side.

- I'm not sure why you built and kept apparition either, pretty useless before 20 and its not like you had tok/hr and were desperate for demonkill

- You guys needed to think more about 16 rather than just blind 17. You kinda needed to try and either force us to king, incomesend
or roll anti 16 since it was quite clear, from my perspective, that you were really weak on 16 whereas we had an archer to cover us.

[ENT] Legion TD Mega 1200+ #98 (played vs you) https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=10802621
- you start elite archer with 2x bonewar i like the 2 t1's here since your team was bad vs warrior however be aware that bones have a
longer trigger range than most units, it was probably better to build them one space further behind but this is really minor :p

- 3/0 standard archer, you get dino/bow on 2 and leak the dino only. Second elite for 3 all perfect so far

- it was good to see you help your teammate, confirming that wyvern does onehit 3

- again good to see you stayed wavy when red (different red this time) got upset at all you 'mega newbies' for some reason or another.

- 2x elite archer will hold 4 most of the time, with 2x t1 its nearly always. You asked and didnt get an answer but pushed regardless and your
gut was correct :D

- Nice push for 5, 6/2 with 2 small archers in front pretty much perfect so far

- level 6 is where the first big mistakes happen. You guys decide to send 6 (good call as it happens), anyway you make a 3rd elite archer,
this is just big overbuild. Another small archer and you will hold/almost hold. You could have been 7/3 here. Np, Lets say that you didnt want to push /3 here cause you would send 100 wood less. Okay fair call but then it was a big mistake to upgrade the farm. 80 wood wasted when you could have just sold a bone warrior to get the food for the elite archer.

- you push 7/4 during 6, good to not see you stay 7/2 again :p

- you add a small archer in front on 7. This is a positioning mistake, you're not gonna hold much 7 with only 3 elites so its better
to build for 8 and 10 with archers more behind. This archer is not only dead value on 10, it also might pull some of the bosses away from the
wall and onto your small archers. You need your elites to tank for the smalls on 10.

- again for 8 you make a small archer too far in front

- I'm glad you provided your teammates with the correct argument against 12 send, turret is indeed good 12 not 'dead' as they asserted. I doubt we would come close to dying.

- you decide to stay 7/4 with ascendant/small archer for 10, unfortunately, your positioning lets you down (small archer needs to be behind elites not next to), and you leak 2 bosses.

- you make a tok after 10, as well as some archers and auras. That's fine but then you make a likely game-losing mistake on 14. You make an unupped ygg instead of 2 elite archers.

- Now if you look at the state of the game:

Your team:
--> red had 3 toks, ygg, priest and saving 300g
--> you had 1 tok, 6 elites, asc/capt and some small arch with 330g. 1x tok with elites behind will clear 15 fine and do better 14.
--> teal had 3 blasters with 2 upped wyvern and 2(i think) small wyvern but he was fairly weak and tons of dead value in gnolls
--> purple was suicider

My team:
--> yellow, 7/5 during arena
--> orange (the best player :D ) 7/9 during arena with fairly low income
--> green, 7/4 during 10
--> pink 7/5 during arena

- Since you skipped 10 we consider you send 14, your incomes are bad and we didnt have to do any king during 10. Since red saved gold you are the only potential holder 14 (he prolly wouldnt hold even with build to be fair) therefore its super important that you build good value for 14. You made an unupped ygg which sucks 14, you leak and you die.

[ENT] Legion TD Mega 1200+ #36 (my team) https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=10793915
- you start 2x egg, icetroll and infa

- as I said to you on lv2 you dont really wanna save 69g before level 2 for kinda no reason. Against a furb you woulda had a rly bad time.
I get that you wanted to make a knight on 3 but unupped knight is really shit and since you planned pd you wouldnt have upped it before 7.

- you get a dino on 2 and hold but stay 2/0

- anyway you make a knight on 3, not sure why you placed it off the wall, sharing dmg with the eggs would be fine for 3 but its not what you
want on 5/7/8 at all. Here its much better if the egg tanks and the knight does some dmg. Since they just sent 2 this hurt you later on i think.

- so as me and red (lihl member also) mention, you've obed hard with dead value (knight) it would have been much better to get zeus or more
infa for 3 since they are good 5,7 and 10 whereas knight is 200 almost useless value. Its cool you had a plan for 3 and knight would have made u op 3 but its important to be flexible in LTD, our team was already overbuilding with red on blaster and me making amba/mw tho I didnt pd to get us better push.

- you end up 3/1 on 7 when we have immo and barely hold. I get that its hard to not go pd 7 if you go amba 5 but was easy 5/1 maybe even more if you didnt ob so much on 3 and i think you would have done similarly well with more push but better unit choice.

- Again, careful with the pushing. You go 4/2 then have to wait for a farm. Just farm first and you get 80 wood for /2 while wisps are training.

- krocis tk's as usual. This time with tk time management so we draw on 8

[ENT] Legion TD Mega 1200+ #47 (against) https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=10789763
- spawn start

- your teammates made some SIGNIFICANT placement errors on level 1, always worth having a look and trying to offer some guidance
(blue made 4 aquas in a vertical line and purple made 2 phantoms in a straight horizontal line)

- you add ranger/bone warrior on 2, spawn alone will generally only leak furb. I don't know your adds but i would have prolly rerolled lv1
if those are your best ones

- you make a darkmage on 3 all fine if no better adds

- meliai for 4. that's not so good in general pre 10

- 4/0 for 5 and hold

- You get immolation but decide to add ywd instead of pushing 2 wisps. I would have pushed but it's probably just preference. Regardless, the ywd positioning is bad. It's too far away from the wall and at risk of dying early on 7 if the creeps wrapped around.

- you reroll on 7. I really dislike this since with your meliai if you intend to hold 10 placing a few rangers first is really nice.

- you stay 5/2 and add a sea giant on 8. Your team was fairly weak 8 so its a pretty decent idea.

- spawn is inherently bad 10. Hydra is a nice but with 3x spawn/hydra you desperately needed more damage
(how about some rangers with that meliai :p)

- you leak 2 bosses on 10. Unupped troll fighter is pretty useless add but i guess you had nothing else

I didn't really watch after 10 but you guys needed to fear 16 with those leaks

I also played 2 games with you last night (le-pic) and I gotta say they were not so great.


You start with a really weird mix of units (not sure why not just sprite yolo or at least 3 sprites to start). You leak a bit to warrior, stay 2/0 for 3, add a cyborg off the wall then sell it when I asked if you liked your positioning but failed to rebuild it in time resulting in 20 odd leaks 3. Was pretty much curtains for you at this point.
When you suicide you really want to try and bank some wood if possible, this game it kinda wasn't but if possible its pretty crucial.


Man this game. I asked if I was lagging because I saw you had 2x priso on lv1 but 1/0 and 0 gold. I assumed I was gonna desync before you said that you used 50 rr level 1. This is not such a smart idea, please never do it. If you have nothing from first 2 rr just pick something to suicide with. Anyway you played the early game quite decently from there, I wouldnt have bothered with the feeder for 4 and 5, better to push faster and add it to hold 6 but np. It was pretty strange the other team didnt send 7, kinda screwed both of us :D . Anyway I pushed and suicided from that point whereas you decided to stay 7/2 for 7, 8 and 9 (still leaking all 3 level vs nosend). I feel like there was no good reason not to push more this game. You made a second maverick on 7 and I have no clue why. You'll leak hard even vs nosend, far better just to push 7/3 at least during 6.

There was 0 kg until 10 this game, tends to make it pretty hard for a yolo to live. Anyway you went 7/5 during/after 10 and actually managed to hold 11-14. Not gonna lie I thought you'd leak all those levels so fair play to you :p . Taking a look at the 15 race, you end up with 3k value, none of it anti-15 (mavs and goli's) and send 2.6k only. I feel like it should have been pretty clear that you would never hold vs a send 10-20 so pushing some more would defs have been best.

Anyway you're a nice bloke with a really cool head, thats a major positive however skillwise I reckon you still have tons to learn from 1200. From what I saw you're positioning could use work (sometimes ranged units can help tank and you often place units off the wall for seemingly no reason), you consistently underpush/overbuild and you could really optimise your pushing a lot better, particlarly both holder games you had avoidable downtime on your push. You also made some pretty ridiculous mistakes in both games I played with you last night :p .

I'm gonna !no support but best of luck regardless, would highly recommend obsing some lihl games also.

Cheers and gl.

edit: added replay links If anyone wanted to have a look at the games.
Last edited by epicdeath on Wed May 23, 2018 3:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vouch request for alphawolf@useast

Postby alphawolfe » Tue May 22, 2018 6:07 am

Hey, it was nice playing with and against you, epicdeath (didn't know you were le-pic), but I just wanted to point something out.
Try not to mislead your teammates if you're not 100% sure. Polar+lod alone will definitely leak 4

I don't think I ever said Polar+lod alone holds 4. He built Polar+lod+servant, and I said it holds, which was true. I said I almost held with lod+necromancer, "almost" being the key word. Of course I wasn't sure if Polar+lod alone holds 4, but that was never mentioned.
Last edited by alphawolfe on Tue May 22, 2018 6:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vouch request for alphawolf@useast

Postby epicdeath » Tue May 22, 2018 6:10 am

Sure I probably just misunderstood what you meant no worries :p

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Re: Vouch request for alphawolf@useast

Postby Krocis » Tue May 22, 2018 11:43 pm

Same as above, he has not enuff experience and skill for playing lihl, hes a nice guy willing to learn tho, mb in future for now

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Re: Vouch request for alphawolf@useast

Postby Anda » Fri May 25, 2018 12:10 pm

Hello alphawolfe,
Ive seen through your 7 presented replays and i come to the same conclusion as the feedback you have alrdy received by our motivated Community.
IMO only the Bear holder and the hydra holder were decent played, and only 1 role simply is not enough.
I see little use in repeating everything that was said above about you, neither to go into detailed feedback on the missing replays that only showcase what was alrdy said,so ill try to cut it down a bit to give you helpfull feedback.

1: you need to work on your yolo play tremendously, get to know units capabilites and weaknesses better, try to hold every wave with as little value as possible so u can push. Therefor u need to read the game better and push early. Make a decision and stick with it, dont go back and forth on that, ull loose necessary time to gather lumber on it.
For example on your aqua replay you send war, enemies leak 55 to king. When you saw 55 leaks it was clear that if no mid you can potentially get an extra whisp, so here was the right time to start the wisp. You can always cancel it in time when you see they have mid/ u have no chance to get it.You start whisp when the king alrdy killed em down to 37, this is simply 2 late. You get furbed on and only get additional whisp when you reach 100 gold at 2, you needed to start it immediately when you reach 50. You decide to lod for 7 instead of push, which was a mistake imo, since u end up pushing 7 4 anyway and i believe you would have benefitted from pushing early.

2:In your alpha / gateguard mix you do the same placing mistake as in the raider heli replay, you want to split the dmg, so if you go gateguard, you should have put it behind alphas. They arent so squishy, and ull up them anyway and 900 hp isnt bad.
In general it is bad to choose gateguards over lock though, ggs are basicall dead value and locks are usefull all game.Those decision occure quite often and you cripple your own line without need due to simple lack of knowledge.

I saw you chatting in 1 game that you wonder why you are called to bad for 1200 bot by 1 player, and let me say you are not too bad for it. 1200 is precisely where you need to be , gain experience and learn from your mistakes. Which i highly recommend is to make use of your lihl-candidate role, keep observing IHL games. This will
A) get you familiar with the community and their playstyle, also people see u are motivated to join the league
B) help you discover builds and tactics you will hardly see on 1200 bot but are often usefull.

Bottom Line: Get more experience on the 1200 bot, work on the problems presented to you, and observe plenty of LIHL games.
I believe you wont close the gap in the near future, so take your time and train and keep the motivation up.

Vouch request denied.

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Re: Vouch request for alphawolf@useast

Postby Crazy_Skeleton » Sat Jun 16, 2018 7:58 pm

Very polite and nice guy. Willing to take all advices. Maybe he is not best yet at "game reading", but If we would give him a trial, I am sure he would use it wisely.

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Re: Vouch request for alphawolf@useast

Postby archol » Sun Jun 17, 2018 6:21 pm

A nice guy for sure, so im sure that he can learn fast (same applied for point at that time)

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