Bubo perma blight and corpse ward bug

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Bubo perma blight and corpse ward bug

Postby Burn » Thu Apr 05, 2018 11:34 am

I'm not saying bubo is a bad titan, I think he is very good, but I think he is just not a very fun titan to play. Biggest problem atm is that Bubo is just SO TEDIOUS to play. Instead of killing shit (fun), a lot of your time is spent hunting for corpses(BORING), and gathering corpses(pretty much a 1s stun).

1) There is a bug currently when u spam corpse wards next to each other then kill them or let them expire, there becomes permanent blight, which means builders can't build on it, and titan can't plant more corpse wards on the blighted ground.

14:36 corpse wards started to die
14:41 [All] WorldEdit: blight still insane
14:54 [All] WorldEdit: starting to destroy all wards
16:09 No more corpse wards left, left with permanent blight
16:09 [All] WorldEdit: permanent blight
16:11 [All] WorldEdit: op op

2) Takes 40s to spawn per corpse at mid, and 40s at corpse ward, and 30s/30s with the corpse exhume skill. Gathering corpses in the early game becomes a real bitch, and it takes AT LEAST 30 to 40s to setup a corpse ward farm before you are ready to attack a base. If hunters or demo attacks the corpse farm, you're fucked for another 30-40s. If you are low on corpses, you'd have to hunt for critters or go back to mid.

3) Bubo ulti is utter trash. It currently gives 3900EHP with 6 corpses (3000HP * 1.3 = 3900EHP). Barely better than a 800HP heal with a lvl 12 titan with 2x AoF (43 armour 800HP is 2864EHP). It also costs corpses, which is a pain in the ass since it already has a high CD.

4) A lot of titans don't know this, but bubo nuke has a HUGE backswing animation for nuke. You can just nuke, then instantly spam move command to cancel the backswing.


1) Disable blight completely in an AoE around the corpse ward when one expires.

2) Make corpses spawn every 10 seconds at mid, and every 20 seconds per corpse ward.

3) Make it 3000HP with around 65% armour reduction, which is around 33 armour and costs no corpses to use the skill. Bubo at lvl 12 already has 23 armour and around 6k HP (with no items). Considering that healing during the corpse shield doesn't regenerate the corpse shield, I think that's a pretty good start for the ulti buff.

4) Idk how to fix this, not sure if you can remove backswing for the nuke animation. A lot of titans have this problem actually, but Bubo has a stun with it, so when the backswing gets cancelled, it actualy makes bubo a really strong mid camper.

Post your suggestions or opinions. If you have a negative opinion about my suggestion, please give a suggestion to back up your opinion.

For the record, I don't actually have any games in the current version as Bubo, but I have a bubo guide and used to spam him a lot before bubo was nerfed. The reason why I made this topic was because I was asked to give input on Bubo and I also tried to explain why he isn't picked much, even though I personally think he's a very strong titan, possibly even a tier 1 titan.

Last edited by Burn on Thu Apr 05, 2018 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bubo perma blight and corpse ward bug

Postby Remixer » Thu Apr 05, 2018 11:39 am

I think that making corpses spawn faster from wards might be extremely strong in mid-game sieges. We've had thought of increasing the corpse spawn rate with Bubonicus' level.

Idea: What do you think if Bubonicus ultimate, rather than consuming corpses, generated them into his storage?

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Re: Bubo perma blight and corpse ward bug

Postby Burn » Thu Apr 05, 2018 11:54 am

During sieges, the problem isn't the amount of corpses, you get unlimited corpses even as is. It's the time it takes to setup a corpse farm when it gets destroyed by a hunter/summons. Imo, making corpses spawn faster wouldn't make his sieging any stronger, it'll just make it less boring for both builder/titan because titan gets to siege a bit earlier and builders don't have to wait as long before titan sieges a base.

What do you think about corpses taking forever to spawn at mid for the early game?

Generating them into his storage is a nice quality of life buff so I don't oppose to it. I'm thinking of a bigger buff for the bubo ulti though like increasing the EHP of the shield..


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Re: Bubo perma blight and corpse ward bug

Postby IAmDragon » Thu Apr 05, 2018 11:46 pm

I'd be okay with buffing the ultimate, but I don't want to remove the cost @Burn, as if we're buffing the spawn time of corpses as well that would be an overbuff IMO

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Re: Bubo perma blight and corpse ward bug

Postby Burn » Fri Apr 06, 2018 3:33 am

I'll settle with that as long as corpse spawn rate is buffed, that's the major change I want to see.


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