Reporting Avada for TK on purpose.

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Reporting Avada for TK on purpose.

Postby Dong » Tue Feb 13, 2018 6:51 pm

Man how long are we going to let this kid do things like this, acting up and ruin games.

He had Grizzly/Greymane

Made 2 grizzly for 5 ( 360 val ) and pushes

we agree that we still have a shot with 3 people building for 7. and he pushes even furhter ending up with 1 greymane and 1 grizz on 7 ( 535 val )

this is totally unbearable. To just for some odd random reason fully destroy a game like that. we ended up dying 7.

he said that he thought he upped the grey, but there is no way not even for a long shot that i believe that, especially not when you keep on pushing. <------ replay.

i do not think this kind of childish behaviour is acceptable. Especially not since it not the first time or second time either. This, must, stop.
Thou shall self tk.

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Re: Reporting Avada for TK on purpose.

Postby AvadaKedavra » Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:12 pm

Guess I'll state the obvious.. There was no tk on intention that game, although I did fail to up 1 bear on 5 for some reason. I was a bit tired, and thought I pressed "p". Had zero impact. I was yoloing my bear regardless, could never have held 7.

And no offense, Dong is far from a top player in this league, and him thinking I "fully destroyed the game" is laughable

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Re: Reporting Avada for TK on purpose.

Postby nicolai123 » Wed Feb 14, 2018 12:50 am

LOL i watched the replay and avada was the least of the tk in that game. Holders pushed way too much and dong didnt build tot next to wall for some reason. Think before u report... think...

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Re: Reporting Avada for TK on purpose.

Postby Anda » Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:20 am

If you watch the replay it is clear that avada pushed during 4 and ends up short on gold for 5 to up to grey, so he has 2 sell the spider. He does that and ups the grizz to grey at wall. Before round starts he i assume accidentally presses esc though, the grey is turned back to grizzly.
So avada is telling the truth, he somehow missclicked and intended to up the unit.

(00:00 / Allied) Dong[thai]: what is our play here
(00:00 / Allied) Dong[thai]: who build for 7 besides me
(00:00 / Allied) xfiend: me

This is the only thing i can find in the chat about holding level 7 from anybody.

(00:00 / Allied) AvadaKedavra: u didnt see me 560 vla?
(00:00 / Allied) AvadaKedavra: u just assume im 1200 val?

(00:00 / Allied) Dong[thai]: why the fuck did you not make 2 grey
(00:00 / Allied) Dong[thai]: for 7

I agree with you i would have added 2 bears for 7 aswell, but that isnt reported here.
I guess since you scouted harlot on 5 he thougth a full push would help your team more then value into a highly likely full 7 send ?

I dont see intentional mistakes here. Your team communication all in all was bad,seeing u miss the send on 5.

Avada is famous for wanting to sell and make new game, so u were tempted to believe he tkd on purpose. This is not the case.


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Re: Reporting Avada for TK on purpose.

Postby Lord-Miles » Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:05 am

Avada is famous tker 90% of his games crybaby and wanna sell towers and !FF , glad theres not a ff command to abuse it , just get rid of this kid.

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Re: Reporting Avada for TK on purpose.

Postby Dong » Wed Feb 14, 2018 11:25 am

nicolai123 wrote:LOL i watched the replay and avada was the least of the tk in that game. Holders pushed way too much and dong didnt build tot next to wall for some reason. Think before u report... think...

Fyi. You get more value from tot when you build the way I build it, when you add a unit like infantry with high dps but low endurance. So tot tanks more and infantry dps more from the time that is thereby given. Think before you try to correct builds... Think..

And thx for the quick handleling of this case anda. I must agree that past events from avada could have easily clouded my judgement in this. It is just that bear is one of the most basic builds there is. Either 3 for 7 as holder or 2 if pusher, unless there other supporting units. And me and xfiend both decided to build for 7 because we or I thought at least, that avada would only reach 2 Grey's.. but oh well. Shit happens
Thou shall self tk.


Re: Reporting Avada for TK on purpose.

Postby Don_Killuminati » Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:53 pm

Lord-Miles wrote:Avada is famous tker 90% of his games crybaby and wanna sell towers and !FF , glad theres not a ff command to abuse it , just get rid of this kid.

Not like it would change anything to you since you are not active here anymore, don't take it as an invitation too :D

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