Legion TD Mega registrations

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Legion TD Mega registrations

Postby Darco » Sun May 26, 2013 11:10 pm

MurkemHanks wrote:Team Name: ThePlumbers2
Captain: MurkemHanks@USEast
Other Player Accounts:

I thought that only 4 players can form a team ?

And by the way, i can't find players to form a team, so if anyone would form a team with me, send me a message please.

My stats :

Realm: useast.battle.net ELO: 1631.26
Games: 331 W/L: 226/105 (68.28%)

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Re: Legion TD Mega registrations

Postby uakf.b » Mon May 27, 2013 12:21 am

Four is the minimum. A team is four players, others are backups.
dWFrZi5i -- 'cause I'm cool like Agreements

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