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Victory in Dota

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:05 am
by rewarding
I'm going to point out straight off the bat, it is difficult to win a game of dota when you're facing a stacked team. The reason why is simple: stacked teams consist of people who know how to win.

So the question remains, how do you win in dota? Once again the answer is simple: your team must take down the tree or the throne. However to achieve this, it requires knowledge, skill, and common sense.

Hero selection

One of the many reasons why you lose to stacked teams is your team's hero selection. General rules teams should follow are

1) Do not go all carry.
2) Do not pick all ranged or melee.
3) Have at least 2 heroes that can stun, and 1 tank.
4) Have at least 1 hero that can push.

Especially pushing. If your team can take towers down like no tomorrow, your team will most likely win. The gold advantage is huge. Pubs usually don't know how to deal with that as a team. Taking down towers should be your team's number 1 priority early game.

Creep Stats
Getting good cs is very important. You must remember that in order to set yourself up for a good mid and late game, you must have good items and an appropriate time-level ratio. Some heroes are more item dependent. Some heroes are more level dependent. Some heroes don't need many items to be effective.

Generally in a pub game, out levelling your opponents and having better items will mean greater success in the long run. Therefore, do not auto-attack creeps. Do not spend mana on creeps for cs*.
And at least attempt to deny your creeps. Creep equilibrium (keeping the wave of creeps in the same location) is essential to the survival of your lane, and your cs.

If you're a support, deny all your creeps. Harass the opponents. If you're a carry/semi carry, focus on getting last hits.

Getting as much cs as you can in the laning phase will have a huge impact in the mid-late game.

Map Awareness

One of the many reasons why noobs die to ganks is because they don't look at the minimap. Make it a habit. Look at the minimap every 5 seconds. Look at the minimap whenever you kill a creep. Look at the minimap before you gank.

The minimap is so useful. It will show you most of the time if you're about the ganked. It will tell you if the enemy is roshing or not (indicated by the pulsing green/red dot at rosh area. Correct me if I'm wrong). It will tell you if the enemy wards if you have vision. It will help you coordinate ganks via pings.

In order to be a better player, and I can't stress this enough, look at your minimap at a regular basis. It is not difficult.

If you notice that none of your opponents show up in the minimap, this can mean one of the several things:

1) They are farming neutrals or ancients.
2) They are trying to gank.
3) They are roshing.

Depending on what phase of the game you're in, (early, mid, or late), you can make a logical assumption on what they are doing.

Taking Advantage

If your team wins a teamfight, push immediately with the players that can. To win dota, you must take down towers, and you must take down the main structure. Too many times I see a team that can push but priortize farming instead. Let your carry farm. Everyone else must push.

Also, pay attention to the respawn timers on the top right corner where it displays team scores. Being aware of when they respawn can save your team from a counter-attack.


Always buy observer wards. And if you think they warded, buy sentries to deward. I cannot emphasize enough how important vision is. If you have at least 4 wards up, you are able to logically discern where your opponents are most of the time. It is a map-hack that costs 300 gold. Not expensive at all. Reversely, it is useful to your opponents as well. Spending 200 gold on sentries to kill an enemy ward is 100% worth it

Having vision means your team is able to make plays, and if you win those teamfights, you are able to push. Without vision, you are unable to properly position against an attack that you don't know where it is coming from. Very important stuff.

Two last points: if you are facing against invis heroes or heroes that have lothars, always have dust or sentries on you. It doesn't matter what role you are playing. Playing 30 mins and losing just because none of you bought dust or sentries (185-200gold) is a waste of time. They are very cheap, and can be a game changer.

And lastly, always have a tp on you at all times. It will save you. It will save your teammates.


Although this is a brief guide, it is also useful. Nothing that I have mentioned here is detrimental to the chancew of victory. I hope you have found it useful, and I hope you employ this knowledge for your benefit. Happy Dota.

Re: Victory in Dota

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:53 pm
by ShinraCorp
Not bad for beginners

Re: Victory in Dota

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 7:46 pm
by HugMeOnce

You should come play the dihl games, we play every night.