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Postby Kaisereo » Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:42 am

Name:Tim or "TN"
Game moderator position (see below for choices):#1 DoTA
Brief introduction:Hi, my name is Tim or, by what my friends like to call me "TN". I've recently came back to playing DoTA a few months ago, as I was taking a break for gaming to pursue interests in life (my degree). I'm currently in a 4 year plan to get my degree in Communications Engineering.
What are your current hours of playing time (approximate)?My current hours of playing time would generally be 28-37 HRS a week.
What is your current time zone?Pacific Time
Describe any relevant experience, both in moderating and in Warcraft III:As I've said, I've just came back recently a few months ago from gaming. Prior to that, I used to be a small-time mod for a lot of StarCraft clans, such as EKP, DohN, NmO. I've also have had experience from other games as well, such as being an officer in the MMO "Guild Wars" running a very organized alliance.
Why should we accept you?I feel like, I can be a great asset to the community because of the constant hours I personally like dedicating to chat forums. If there is a problem or a dispute, I will handle it professionally.
Why do you want to become a game moderator?Like many people, I'd wish to be a game moderator to be a leading example in the ENT community, to show people what's accepted in games and what's not. I'd like to enforce the rules of Enterprise entirely.
What will you bring to the ENT/Warcraft III community?I personally feel like, I will bring a new set of eyes to ENT by helping out mods/admins watch requests and examine them from my own perspective, I'm also willing to learn new techniques that others offer.
Closing Statement:I would like to remind everyone that I'm very dedicated to what I have my mind on, and at the moment that is DoTA and ENT. I'm professional-like and like everyone, temper can be lost but I will control myself as ENT needs role models. If this is not accepted, I will still continue to help out the community, as I think everyone deserves a fair gaming environment.

On a side note, I'd like to provide some of my ban requests as a courtesy:

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Re: Kaisereo@USWest

Postby Nz.Death » Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:49 am

NO WAY !!!! just kidding, You have been a huge help over the holidays time with maphacker's and with general ban request's, But i still do believe myself that you have been using fogclick in game.

I might be wrong but some of the replay's ive watched of your's id never guess they were hacking useless i had fogclick on.

I dont know if there are position's going at the moment but id say +1 from me

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Re: Kaisereo@USWest

Postby Kaisereo » Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:51 am

Thanks for the support, and sorry for everything that's happen between us, I want us to start anew. :D

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Re: Kaisereo@USWest

Postby Nz.Death » Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:52 am

I dont hold grudge's (your pic lol) dude, We are all a team here.

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Re: Kaisereo@USWest

Postby Kaisereo » Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:53 am

Oh so someone finally caught on about what my picture was haha, okay great.

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Re: Kaisereo@USWest

Postby cyberpunk » Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:03 am

Game Moderator Application Policy
Crispz wrote:Your application must be posted from a valid forum account with the same username as your current Warcraft III username. Additionally, all applicants must have at least twenty-five posts and must have been a member for at least two weeks to apply.
Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2012 7:34 am

Denied, you can re-apply in a week.
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I don't answer private messages that should be public questions. Use the forum

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