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Moderator request

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 12:49 pm
by Slovak
Name: BAuErGRiPTaC
Discord name: BAuErGRiPTaC
Age: 17
Game moderator specialty (see below for choices): DOTA
Brief introduction: I play dota a lot, have many experience. Playing dota 10 years :)
What are your current hours of playing time (approximate): how many you will need :D
What is your current time zone: GER
Describe any relevant experience, both in moderating and in Warcraft III: I was moderator, on BK bot, have a lot of experience. And before i were admin in G-Arena, too admin section :)
Why do you want to become a game moderator: Because want help to our community. And i know to solve and make ban requests. Know all rules, and have a lot of experience.
What will you bring to the ENT/Warcraft III community: I will, help to our new players, and will try to do mine best! :) Will make many ban requst, and as admin solve many requests! :)
Closing Statement: I never leave games, i´m just friendly player. Try to help new players, or even if theyir are noobs. Don´t like flame, expecially on family. Hope you will vote good for me :)

Best regards,
Bauer :)
Btw, i´m active player in games. I´m from BK :)
(Mine account on BK) CcmTeddyFlex

Re: Moderator request

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 1:10 pm
by FalenGa
Hello BAuErGRiPTaC,

First of all, i'd like to welcome you to our community and thank you for offering to help us out.

As you can read in the minimum requirements page in our wiki, ... g:StaffApp , you do not meet any of the critiria at the moment. Registered here an hour ago, one post introducing yourself, just a few games on our bots and zero contribution/reviews in the ban requests section.

In other words, we know nothing about you, so we simply cannot judge if you'd be fit for the position. Your application is therefore denied.

You'd be most welcome to reapply in a few weeks, provided you've worked on your application. A good place to start would be the ban requests.

In the meanwhile, feel free to drop by our chat in discord for any questions or assistance.

Re: Moderator request

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 1:16 pm
by Slovak
Thank you for your opinion! :)
I will work hard on ban request.
If i will need any help, i will contact you.

Thank you also.
Kind regards