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FalenGa abuse

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 8:00 pm
by CountChocula96

Ok, I don't really want to make any complaints against mods here, but... this was an undeniable abuse of ban/kick powers.

At first, he banned me for 2 days. Then when he posted the thread, it changed to 5. Then when I made 1 post in the thread questioning his ban, he extended it to 3 weeks. Furthermore, our own teammates were confused by the kick:

(32:15 / All) OriginalG: DukeOrsino was kicked by player [Admin].
(32:15 / QUIT) DukeOrsino: Left
(32:24 / All) papel: kicked?

It was done in the middle of me moving with team. Also, how do you forget to add teamkilling as a violation first, but then add it in later? And to top it off, he deleted my post.

There are no time-stamps in his ban request, just a thread.

I think he just got mad that we lost and decided to take it out on me with a kick + ban. Why does the ban time change 2 times? wtf? no time stamps? Since when is ENT running its servers like this? At least when others banned me, they never made up rule violations and extended the ban however arbitrarily they wanted.

Re: FalenGa abuse

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:22 pm
by e0e0e0e0
I believe when mods are in-game, they can type !ban [Username} . Which bans the player for 2 days? Most likely because FalenGa had reason to think you broke a rule and deserved ban. So when he entered the ban request on ENT, he adjusted the ban duration according to your record/offense.

Re: FalenGa abuse

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:31 pm
by Yarragon
Calling this one denied before I even had to open players history. Can I do that?

You do know admins can ban for less the more you break the rules, right? You had a history and purposefully did things to annoy him, so he just immediately banned you and kicked you from the game. It's like saying that because you were only flaming a little bit you shouldn't be banned, even though you had two prior bans for maphack and one for teamkill.

Also Falenga has been around forever with like 0 issues of abuse. So good luck with this.

Re: FalenGa abuse

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:47 am
by Ben_T
First of all, Falenga kicked you from the game to stop you from game ruining and banned you in-game to prevent you from joining the next lobby and further ruining more games. If you actually read what he posted on your ban request you would've seen he said that.
I started with 2 days while were in-game to simply prevent you from ruining the next game as well. I had no info about your history, etc. Then i noticed your 3 weeks ban, updated the topic. After that i realised who you are, so i went for the 3 weeks.

Continuing, if you've broken a rule, we don't want you in our games continuing to break any more rules and further ruin other games. As for the extended ban duration, you deserve longer. I've compiled a few of your previous bans for you to look at and these were considered in your ban duration:

I'm not sure how you violate this many rules and don't stop ruining games. Frankly, Falenga was being nice to you.
Furthermore, if an unnecessary comment is posted on a topic, it gets deleted to avoid clutter.

You're posting a complaint on a moderator for doing their duties, therefore, this complaint should be denied.

Re: FalenGa abuse

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:36 am
by Stiff_Maistar
Only thing im curious about is why he didn't try a votekick 1st. If I remember correctly the in-game kick from an admin should only be used if the player continue to gameruin/troll flame etc and the votekick failed.

Re: FalenGa abuse

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 10:24 am
by Zeratul
Stiff_Maistar wrote:Only thing im curious about is why he didn't try a votekick 1st. If I remember correctly the in-game kick from an admin should only be used if the player continue to gameruin/troll flame etc and the votekick failed.

Usually they refrain from doing it for a matter of courtesy & good will (to avoid exactly what OP seems to be whining about) - However as a moderator, you're supposed to use your moderation tools for that same purpose, both on the forums and ingame, so as long as there's enough evidence that justify the kick (moreover if there's evidence he will continue to do so), you wanna get rid of it asap, and therefore its acceptable/reasonable to do so.

Falenga dind't even knew the player in question was this OP at the moment of the kick, and Falenga rarely kicks ppl ingame, so for it to happen, he definitely gave him more than enough reasons to act before game ended (which he did according to what Falenga detailed in the brq)

Re: FalenGa abuse

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:54 pm
by HazarDous
Denied, thanks for reviews.