ANNOUNCEMENT: Birth of the Legion TD Team League!

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Birth of the Legion TD Team League!

Postby KiwiLeKiller » Sun Jul 09, 2017 8:54 pm

Hello everyone,

we are glad to announce that the 1st season of the Legion TD Team League (LTL) will take place very soon. LTL is a mixture of the league and tournament formats. It will be moderated by @FateStayNight, @n1ll3, @HugMeOnce, @Michonne and me, in collaboration with Broud3r and ENT Gaming. If you are interested in participating to what we hope to be a competitive cup-style atmosphere with your friends to prove everyone you are the best LTD players, or just to have fun, read the following announcement carefully.

The Legion TD Team League, as a mix of league and tournament, will consist of regular seasons, where teams can qualify for the playoffs which will occur after this season. Obviously, in the playoffs, qualified teams will fight for the first place! Another aspect that differentiates the Legion TD Team League from a Tournament is its length: following LIHL season, it will last for 3 months and will start on August 1st. The regular season is expected to last for 10 weeks and the playoffs, 2 weeks, but this is subject to change and official dates will come.

General Info
  • Map : Legion TD Mega 3.42e.w3x
  • Deadline for sign-ups : July 26th
  • Dates : August 1st to October 31st

The amount of matches every team will have to play will depend on the amount of teams that signed up but we are expecting around 16-20 games played per team, spread over the whole regular season. With only a few games per week, the pace of LTL will be pretty slow compared to the previous Tournaments, but it will feel more like a real sport league!

Note: We will provide a rough draft for every game being played but every team will have to communicate with other teams regarding the exact time the game will be played (platform being Discord).
We have opened a special channel for the League, which you can join by asking a member of the LTL Staff (@LTL Staff) in the general channel on ENT's Discord or by private messaging one of us.

Talking of teams, here are the requirements for the teams :
  • Every team must consist of 5 to 6 players
  • Every team must have at least one player with experience on the 1200+ bot (ENT31)
  • One player cannot play for more than one team at the time
  • The team's captain must have a Discord account and be reach-able via Discord
Note: To participate in the playoffs, a player must have played at least 2 games during regular season with his current team.

  • We will use the 1200+ bot rule-set. Captains are responsible that the team members are fully aware of the rules. We also follow the general ENT rules.
  • The game mode will be -phgmnmcb and it is red's responsibility to enter it. If it is not the case, players must pick the prophet builder and must make sure their build will not pull another lane's creeps and if it is still the case, do not make use of this gold unfairly earned.
  • Moreover, it is not allowed to drop a player. If someone is lagging, let him reconnect. If he doesn't reconnect in time, the players can either remake or simply play it, this is up to the persons in-game. For this reason, the usage of GProxy is strongly recommended.
  • There are no observers allowed in the games, with the exception of tournament organization or ENT moderators.
  • The captain of the winning team will have to report the result on the forum in the thread to this end.
If someone is found guilty of breaking the rules, consequences according to the violation will follow. Consequences can go from a simple warning to a total disqualification from the Legion TD Team League.

Note: Every team is allowed to proceed to one single trade during the regular season. This trade can be either a trade between 2 teams or to trade a player for a free-agent (AKA someone not playing already in the LTL).

Point system
  • A match consists of a best of 3 games.
  • Every game played is worth 1 point.
  • First team with 2 points wins and ends the match.
  • At the end of the season, the teams with the most points will qualify to the playoffs.

Games will be privately hosted through ENT Link at the time agreed by the team captains. If you have any question/hesitation on how to host a game, look at the wiki. You can also take a look at the Bots status here.

The map is Legion TD Mega 3.42e.w3x. It is not the one currently on ENT31, it is the one played in LIHL and has many bugs fixed. Here is the changelog:
-fixed a bug where units took 20 seconds before they moved to the middle after antistuck usage.
-fixed Wandingoos ability which just worked on the east side after someone built a steamroller.
-fixed a bug on Disciple which leaded to less damage than intented.
-fixed a bug on non prophet mode which gave additional heals after using reroll.
-fixed Maverick just splitting after getting attacked.
-fixed a but on the no mid mode where you got no gold for your own creeps as soon they entered the middle area
-reduced the restlessness on units in the middle when there are too much units around.
-if a leaver had a heal remaining it will be added a the healing pool now.

To be announced.

You have until July 26th to sign-up for the Legion TD Team League. We will release the rough draft of the schedule which the teams will have to respect for the regular season a few days before August 1st.

Looking forward to see you in-game. Make LTD great again!

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