My current plans for 2.36

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My current plans for 2.36

Postby Quetra » Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:18 pm

My overall goal at the moment is to aim for one update every month. It's enough time to allow the meta to settle and for strategies to be figured out, while not too long that I can't address pressing bug/balance issues.

Of course, if there is a major flaw in the map, I will push out a hotfix ASAP to fix that particular issue. As it is now though, the version seems stable with no 'gamebreaking' bugs.

I will post below my current thoughts for what to implement in the next version. The focus for this version will be on top gameplay. Keep in mind that not every version will have as many changes as the first two, as I don't want to oversaturate the map. Some months may just have balance/bug changes for glaring issues.

Anyway, here is what I have planned for 2.36 at the moment:

A new ship, 300 gold cost, upgradeable from Quin, same attack type/armour type. Requires Construction. Undecided on other stats.

Moving Magellan's to a later ship tech, likely Frigates.

A new Medieval top spawn wonder, spawning t2 ships. Currently thinking about dromons for this wonder, maybe 1 dromon 1 of the new ship, 2 drom 1 of the new ship, maybe all dromons. Could be compacted with some kind of bonus for holding top circles, similar to what I did with Saint Michel.

Reducing the range of Dreadnoughts, and increasing their armour to compensate. (This way, they should always be targeted first as the 'tanks'.)

Reducing the attack and increasing the attack speed of Dromons, Crossbowman and Commando at a proportionate rate. This is an overall buff for them, as they waste less damages on staggers, and each attack gets a bonus from buffs.

Making the Medic only heal Mechanical units, so they always go for the priority tank/mech etc targets.

Adding an passive AoE heal upgrade for the medic (non stacking.)

Adding a medic ship to top which mirrors everything that the land medic does.

Adding a new 'Humvee' unit, requires Combustion, essentially a smaller mech infantry (doesn't drop Mgs.)

Some kind of rework to Flamers, haven't decided what yet, only that they should be good against the new Humvee unit at that tech point.

Removing the 3 modern Panama Canal type wonders and compacting them all into one wonder which gives a bonus for every type of market your allies have. Same cost.

Let me know what you think of these ideas.

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Re: My current plans for 2.36

Postby supersexyy » Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:44 pm

Overall looks good, I didn't read every idea.

The Panama canal buff sounds good but it most definitely needs a cost reduction.

I would rather not decrease the effectiveness of staggers. I think a good crossbow buff would just be to increase the damage, simple and effective.
Last edited by supersexyy on Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: My current plans for 2.36

Postby RaptorXI » Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:41 pm

Any thoughts about improving weak starting strategies (building towers, rushing pottery, massing workers, starting at inner towers etc etc etc) or is it 'trolling'?
And why allow custom modes for bot-hosted games if no one ever hosts them?

Regarding this:
Civiliznations wrote:As it is now though, the version seems stable with no 'gamebreaking' bugs.

Did you find and fix the broken trigger or not?

And could you post more exact values of the old and new units? Else it's all theorycrafting to me.
You can also reduce the map size by deleting old season rankings of the former clans that were used as loading screens so you can bring in your own changes.

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Re: My current plans for 2.36

Postby Quetra » Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:36 pm

Any thoughts about improving weak starting strategies (building towers, rushing pottery, massing workers, starting at inner towers etc etc etc) or is it 'trolling'?
And why allow custom modes for bot-hosted games if no one ever hosts them?

There is no magic solution to make these strategies 'viable' without extensive changes which will affect other things as well. There is no reason building at inner towers should be viable. Not even sure I understand why 'massing workers' should ever be a good idea. So no, I have no plans to improve any of the strategies you listed, except maybe strengthening towers. But no plans for that in the next few versions.

As per ENT rules, custom modes are allowed provided the lobby agrees to them. The fact that this doesn't really happen shows that the majority of the player base does not want these modes enabled. If there exists a lobby that does want them, there you go.

Did you find and fix the broken trigger or not?

If you're talking about the desync after players leaving the game, no I didn't. I don't have a solution right now. I have checked it with other people and they aren't really sure either. The trigger uses LocalPlayer, which is prone to desyncs. However in the way it is used, it should be safe, so it is a weird kind of problem. I could redo the trigger but the problem is that LocalPlayer is the only way to show the multiboard for one team only, so it has to be used.

I will keep trying to find a solution. But it is a bug that already existed in the map, so my version did not make it worse. Had I not uploaded anything at all, it would still exist. If you find a solution yourself, let me know.

And could you post more exact values of the old and new units? Else it's all theorycrafting to me.

It is theorycrafting, yes. People are welcome to offer suggestions for the values. I will be working on the map in the next few days. Don't know when a test version will be ready.

You can also reduce the map size by deleting old season rankings of the former clans that were used as loading screens so you can bring in your own changes.

I think I deleted some already but not all. I'll have a look.

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Re: My current plans for 2.36

Postby alteregok » Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:41 am

In the old version, bonus gold gained from top control and material gained from bot control increased as the era developed. But in the new version it just stays the same and it makes the game less dynamic in my opinion. there is no mention in the changelog about this. simple omission? or nobody noticed it yet??

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Re: My current plans for 2.36

Postby XGDeath3 » Sun Nov 27, 2016 4:39 pm

alteregok wrote:In the old version, bonus gold gained from top control and material gained from bot control increased as the era developed. But in the new version it just stays the same and it makes the game less dynamic in my opinion. there is no mention in the changelog about this. simple omission? or nobody noticed it yet??

I told Civ about the gold change - It used to jump 15 gold for first capital upgrade per age and +1 for every other capital after that.
The material gain I hadn't been paying attention to, probably because I figured the material system was completely reworked as it was. I don't know whether or not he was looking into why that was though.
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Re: My current plans for 2.36

Postby Quetra » Sun Nov 27, 2016 5:03 pm

Looking at it for next version, I'll reimplement increased gains for top/bot upon reaching eras.

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