Ban Appeal

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Ban Appeal

Postby VictoriaBitter » Sun Apr 07, 2019 3:05 am

Your Warcraft III username: VictoriaBitter
Realm/Gateway: WC3 Connect
Why are you banned: I was banned for apparently not votekicking someone.
Why you should be unbanned: I should not be banned for not kicking someone. If someone is doing the wrong thing they should be banned, not me. I do not play a game moderating other players I just play the game for fun. Furthermore if someone is AFK for more than 5 minutes then they can be booted by their own team and if they come back to just move the mouse how am I supposed to know that they are not playing? They could be nueting for all I know. This is not a deserved ban for me or the other players on my team that were also banned.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Postby Astros » Sun Apr 07, 2019 3:51 am

Refusing to votekick someone who is RUINING the game for four other players is against the rules. If you can't agree to that, we have nothing else to discuss.
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Re: Ban Appeal

Postby VictoriaBitter » Sun Apr 07, 2019 4:55 am

I can agree that someone who is ruining the game should be kicked. However from my side all i saw that he was a noob and that he hadnt surpassed his 5 min afk kicking limit. Why should i be banned for minding my own business and playing the game. I also wasnt paying too close attention to the chat because most people on ENT just talk crap so i try to zone it out.
Happy to kick someone if I am 100% sure but i wasnt paying close attention and we were pretty close to winning by the time the votekick had occurred so it wouldn't have made any difference.
I just want to play the game, I don't break the rules and on this occasion I apologise if I was ill-informed to the matter. Can you please remove the ban? I dont think I should be banned for just trying to play the game - when I am aware, I am happy to abide by all the rules.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Postby aimskjs » Sun Apr 07, 2019 10:56 am

I told you he reset timer so we couldn't afkkick him. Next time learn to !yes when someone explain you why we need to kick him. And unlike you said you don't break rule, you actually break rule of votekick. And unlike you believe you are not playing a game to moderate, there is rule for it.

check votekick rule link below. ... ng:VKRules
You are obligated to !votekick any player that has broken any of ENT's game ruining rules. If someone or several indicate that a particular player is game ruining, you, as a player in the game, are obligated to question/check about the situation/claim.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Postby VictoriaBitter » Sun Apr 07, 2019 11:03 am

People always make up things to get noobs on their team kicked all the time. How was i supposed to know that he reset the timer and wasnt just neuting? Why is it my role to judge someone regarding this when I am I just playing the game.
Seems ridiculous that you are banning someone who is playing the game fairly. No wonder their is a diminishing number of players who play this game these days. Banning someone for stupid reasons because you are losing the game.... The votekick was pointless as well the game was already lost by this point.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Postby aimskjs » Mon Apr 08, 2019 2:22 am

You had seen clearly sk has been missing over 5 mins and lot of ppl mention he is afk. If votekick initiator gives you false information and whoever got kicked will report and only initiator will be banned. You don't need to worry about votekick abuse as long as you !yes based on the information u are given by other. Please do not act like you are dumb. Also we were losing because of sk missed 2 important teamfight. If you didn't realized, you are just bad and had no idea who you are fighting against. The question is "DIDN'T YOU REALLY KNOW SK WASN'T IN TWO MAJOR TEAMFIGHT?" That was biggest game change. And SK wasn't even afk while u were hitting thorne. We still had 3 rax when he started afk greifing.

Lets' talk about the other side. If you have game ruiner on your team and you request people to kick the ruiner but other team not willing to kick, do you really like that? This is team game with 10 players. You need to obey rule. If you don't like the rule, you better just play with computer with your own rule.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Postby Astros » Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:52 am

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