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Final Judgement

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:36 am
by iamyoursenpai
We are a in-House League with a competitive focus. We aren't a pro-league and nobody is getting any payment for what we do here. The reason LIHL exists is, that people want to have a game experience with higher standards than public games. People are posting vouch requests to get feedback for their attitude and skill. The Moderation tries to assure an atmosphere which keeps this league and the spirit of joy alive and to gather a bunch of exclusive players, who enjoy playing with each other.

Case Vendeta

The Moderation discussed this quite a lot and we had different opinions about how to handle this. Anda already explained himself and i'd appreciate every member of the community to accept his opinion without accusing him to be biased or something, he is currently doing a lot of work for this league. At this point i want to explain why i think Vendeta should be unvouched, without getting affected from witch hunts. Based on objective arguments, i doubt he should be permanently unvouched, he would get his bans from time to time, but there are several players who are getting this. I came to the conclusion that his character does not fit with our community and i already explained this point to him in private. This is why i tried to give my definition of the league at the beginning. Sometimes people simply don't fit into groups. I don't think Vendeta is a bad person in general, but as a moderator i am trying to make decisions which are the best for the community.

Final Judgement

After discussing the case for the last time with Tom and Anda, we found a fair compromise. We will put Vendeta back to an "open end"-trial. While being on trial, you have the chance to send us replays with proofs in private and if we see, that he didn't manage to finally change his behavior, he will be unvouched without a lot of discussion. If we think he really managed to make himself fit into this community, everything will be fine. We won't discuss about this anymore, accept the judgement and follow the procedure if you think he should be unvouched. Every kind of discussion about this will be deleted.

gossip girl

Re: Final Judgement

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:21 am
by Jabba41
As many were wondering, the vendeta topics got moved to lihl administration archive. So they're arent deleted but only visible to staff.