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Sat poking

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 8:09 am
by Burn ... e/7580645/

First game I played a poking satyr in 4.x.x against wizboi. Never got melee'd once.

1) Drive by pokes
2) Poking behind walls
3) Poking then making den to cancel right click
4) Poking instantly after making a den so he doesn't hit you
5) Save for SoW/M or speed poke depending on whether or not titan goes attack damage


Re: Sat poking

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:27 am
by FollowingPath
That's more bad plays on wiz's part tbh. Auto-attacking into walls with a glac nuke is almost a guaranteed kill on sat.

Re: Sat poking

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 10:13 am
by Burn
There are some visible queues when titan is auto-attacking though. I can normally spot it. I also don't poke a titan who knows how to auto-attack walls, or are obviously doing it.

I have a video on YT of me playing troll Satyr glass cannon full damage build against Seacow, a top tier titan at his prime. It shows how you can generally tell whether or not a titan is held position or autoattacking.


0:47 titan is obviously held position, he backs up, then instantly stopped,

1:47 Titan is held because he didn't move after tauren poked him. He also is closer to the wall than normal if he just right clicked the wall from afar.

2:08 Titan moves away from the entrance then holds position again instead of directly attacking the wall.

2:56 You can suspect the mini isnt held position, because it attacked the wall ASAP without breaking step, and never cancelled an attack. Easy pokes also, because he probably doesn't micro his minis as well as his main.

3:09 You can see he held his position because he tried to right click my builder then held position again. I go in for a speed poke to test. I should've had a regen pot here to regain HP then continue poking.

13:17 he switched wall targets, which shows he is held position.

Unfortunately I fatal error'd that game, else it would've been a really good game.
