Burn wrote:Not sure if lynx was vouched or not for idihl but I hosted probably 90% of the official Ent games and 95% of Bti grunt in-house games and I can guarantee you he was on his best behaviour.
Maybe you can forgive him for being a little salty on the forums because he, like every other ex-stid player is unhappy with the changelogs neco made, and I’m sure posting in a thread topic named “it’s truly dying” AKA “bash Neco thread” doesn’t help in terms of the salty flavour.
Everybody discussed about him being possibly vouched months and weeks before the "newgen" idihl started up, and everybody but maybe one or two (if that) were all against vouching him, mainly for his overly dramatic and condescending attitude towards everybody, but mainly for the drama he was always trying to start up. Him talking about how toxic the community is is also pretty rich, coming from him.
Though I do agree with most of the changes weren't exactly for the best, and the new devs are trying to remedy that as well as trying to make do with what they have on QOL updates at the same time.
Side note Lynx, not sure which idiot got you believing that rumor, but I'm so stealing that and putting it up as my siggy to show how far off from the truth you truly are, though I'd never would've guessed changing my name on the discord to "wyldcard" for shits and giggles apparently makes me wyldcard_fenix.
@Merex by the way, can we lock this or at least clean it up a bit?